Exhibition Organization

Ecology: We interpret our project as being, like any other farming ecology, an economy of trade, efficiency of production, and more specifically; the implementation of an alternate energy source. Thus, this ecology requires: the production of algae at a large scale, achievable through technological advances,  in order to produce enough biofuel to sustain the production of algae(so that algae production is not dependent on fossil fuels); political support through means of laws and bills which provide certain incentives and tax exceptions to manufacturers that have used grain augers, distributors, and consumers; a social acceptance driven by the availability and easy access made possible by political, economical and technological advances.

River: Our project’s relationship to the Mississippi River can be interpreted as design interventions that take advantage or riverfront areas that have been neglected or that are defunct due to the abandonment of industrial plants. Again, political support through tax exemption, land price considerations or other economic incentives for investors and energy companies, may open up a market through the Mississippi’s riverfront which may create an identity and establish the waterfront as a prime energy producing location.

Process: The process for our ecology would be the conversion from biomass to a biofuel. On a larger scale, it would deal with the process(at this point a speculation) about the role of algae biofuel within the energy market. More specifically, the process of conversion from a fossil fuel economy, to a sustainable energy source, like algae biofuels.

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