Project 2.0 objectDEVICE
Marc Fornes
Digital modeling fundamentally creates objects and the relationship of surface, facet, node, and edge expresses form.
You will flex your newly found (or developing) modeling skills to interpret the subject in one of the provided photos/projects. It will be important to define specific dimensions and to find additional information/photos in order to understand the scale before modeling. The model will focus on the articulation of form and the interrelationship of constituent parts. The model should visually answer these questions:
- How is the model’s material quality expressed by the form?
- What is the relationship of the device to a human being?
- How are constituent parts attached or fastened?
- What is the models relationship to the context?
Your model will be assessed on creativity, clarity, attention to detail, and quality of craftsmanship.
Deliverables . Due 10.03.12
All work will be merged into the class template file that will be available on the CADGIS server. This file will provide materials and lighting appropriate for this project.
- Aerial view of model rendered at 1920×1080 pixels
- Worm’s eye view of model rendered at 1920×1080 pixels
- Three detail views of selected portions of model rendered at 1920×1080 pixels
- 3ds Max model, .max file
- 11 x 17 PDF layout @ 200dpi showing model views and labeling key dimensions, parts, etc.
Filenames should be in the following format: lastname_firstname_aerial.jpg, lastname_firstname_wormseye.jpg, lastname_firstname_detail01.jpg, etc…
All deliverables will be submitted on CADGIS server in /students/project02/lastname_firstname folder
Modeling Subjects
01 . Pritzker Pavilion . Millennium Park
02 . Embarcadero Fountain
03 . Pinecote Pavilion . Fay Jones
04 . Metropol Parasol