An exploration of Louisiana’s Gulf Coast landscape as an ecology comprised of an industrial oil and gas infrastructure and natural wetlands.
Open the underwater atmosphere preset to load an optimized light setup. Create a terrain. In this case we use a standard heightfield procedural terrain. Apply a suitable material for the underwater terrain. Create a water plane and adjust the height relative to the terrain. Place the camera below the water plane and above the terrain. […]
Particle Playground [after effects] Our project utilized the particle playground effect to simulate sedimentation of the Mississippi River Basin. We started by importing existing topographical line-work for the Mississippi River and its tributaries into the projects folder. Multiple particle generators (set on cannon control) were added to the composition. We used the river line-work to […]
A topographic model of the Mississippi River Basin was constructed of plaster at a horizontal scale of 1” = 33,333’ and a vertical scale of 1” = 9,600’. Each layer of chipboard represents 300’ vertically. Developed at a 4:3 ratio to match the projection capacity, the model consisted of 12 15” x 15” panels which […]
final animation_process {algae——->biofuel} Technique Documentation technique_01 {3-D modeling} To create the animation, first I had to created a model as a 3-D diagram of the process. This was done using SketchUp and SUPodium Renderer Plug-In for rendering. One important aspect in creating this file was making separate layers for all of the components I would […]
[framework]: Our third prototype involved continuing the development of our plaster topographical panels. Using the Analog: Digital New Orleans project as a precedent, we were able to refine the frame for our plaster mold. We utilized 2x4s held together by c-clamps to make the frame easier to put together, take apart, clean, and reuse for […]