The following pages will help you review for the fundamentals exam on Friday, September 10. More importantly, the concepts and skills listed are crucial to success later in the course, and to your use of 3ds Max in the future. 1. User Interface and Navigation 2. Creating and Organizing Geometry 3. Transforming and Modifying Objects 4. Lighting and […]
User Inteface and Navigation Concepts & Skills: You should be able to identify and locate: -the menu bar -the file menu (i.e. application button) -the main tool bar -the graphite modeling tools -the command panel -the time and animation controls -the time slider -the status bar -the four standard viewports: top, left, front and perspective […]
Creating and Organizing Geometry Concepts & Skills: You should be able to identify and locate: -the create tab -the layer manager -the ‘grid and snaps settings’ menu You should be able to: -create basic 2-d and 3-d primitives (e.g. box, square) via: -the mouse -keyboard entry -toggle between shaded and wireframe view (f3) -toggle ‘edged […]
Transforming and Modifying Objects Concepts & Skills: You should be able to: change the basic parameters (e.g. height, diameter) of an object add segments to an object apply basic transforms (i.e. move, rotate, scale) to an object transform an object using the gizmo restrict a transform to 1 or 2 axes transform an object using […]
Lighting and Materials Concepts & Skills: You should be able to: toggle the material editor between compact and slate modes create a new material (e.g. arch & design rubber) name a material copy a material assign a material to an object reset a material create a new ‘standard’ material change the color […]
Creating and Moving Cameras Concepts & Skills: You should be able to: create a free camera create a target camera position the camera body and camera target animate a camera’s movement using keyframes (see animation) animate a camera to move along on a path (spline) attach a camera’s target to an object Resources: Textbook part […]
Animation Concepts & Skills: You should be able to identify and locate: the time configuration menu the RAM player the time slider You should be able to: animate an object using keyframes (either autokey or set keys) augment an object’s animation by moving keyframes on the timeline animate a camera configure an animation’s frame rate […]
This tutorial details the process of creating a digital ‘diorama’ using 3ds Max 2011. The basic idea is to map images onto 2-dimensional planes, and arrange the planes in 3-dimensional space to form the illusion of 3d objects in space. It is sometimes also necessary to make certain parts of the mapped images transparent, […]