The term “collage” comes from the French word cooler (meaning to glue). Traditionally, final pieces were produced using an assemblage of different forms. Although, the technique can be traced back hundreds of years, it found popularity as a “novelty” art in the early 20th century thanks to artist such as George Braque and Pablo Picasso. […]
Using collage allowed me to digitally bring together textures and pieces of individual images in Photoshop to build a completely new scene in. My collage process created a new landscape with a certain mood, weather condition, time of day, while also adding new depth and dimension to my base imagery. My collage process started with […]
To construct a narrative concerning the development of land use areas and encroachment within the Louisiana landscape, I conducted a study to connect these spaces through movement using stationary images. The narrative begins with a study of twentieth century futurist paintings and sculptures as references for creating movement of a still object, a fence. The […]
-Scene from Napoleon, 1927 silent film. Building a Panorama A landscape triptych is achieved by using conventional photography techniques and digital editing with Adobe Photoshop. The panorama is composed by three sequential 35mm DSLR pictures that give a sweeping view of the scenery. The three photos should overlap somewhat, and have the exact same horizon […]
Adobe Photoshop . Perspective Textures from Bradley Cantrell on Vimeo. Tutorial on adjusting Adobe Photoshop textures into perspective scenes for LA 1102 by Peter Summerlin
Adobe Photoshop . pattern overlay from Bradley Cantrell on Vimeo. Tutorial on creating and storing Adobe Photoshop patterns for LA 1102 by Lucas Frey