Our process will consist of the creation of the correct and proper ecology and natural circumstances for cultivation and extraction of algal oil produced in photobioreactors.
As this diagram shows, water is conditioned and prepared with nitrates and fertilizers which will become boosters for the newly inoculated algae seeds. Water, then, is circulated for approximately a week, until algae has fully matured and developed and is ready for oil extraction; this process occurs in a centrifuge, where particle matter is separated from oil. Particle matter, or biomass, is often used as fertilizer, while oil is then processed in order to be used on regular diesel automobiles.
Again, this diagram shows the systems, nutrient injection, CO2 exposure and water recycling system which allows algae to be cultivated in transparent tubes/bags, in order to allow sunlight and photosynthesis to occur.
This is a version of a built photoreactor. we can notice the change in color from the tubes on the left to the tubes on the right. Dark green means that algae are near or at maturity, while light green reflects new growth. The bubbles moving on the inside is CO2 which, with sunlight allows for the production of energy through photosynthesis. We can also notice the wide range of sizes of these photoreactors, and, because of its possible vertical alignment; its applicability and possible use in design.
we envision our “process” representation being an animation and still image combination, which will move in scales and show, briefly, each stage of the cultivation process: biological, chemical, and mechanical.
Natural Process
An algae culture separates by gravity alone after extraction. This one-hour time lapse video illustrates this. Time-lapse could be a strong component in animating this side of the algae production: the natural chemical reactions that alter appearance.